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Field-ready resources

View the latest field service trends and resources in the form of white papers, industry insights, infographics, and videos.


The state of independent contracting in IT field services

To understand the landscape of independent contracting in field services, Field Nation surveyed over 800 field service technicians. Download our research study to see how contract work has evolved and why it’s preferred.


5 considerations when choosing an IT service procurement partner

For businesses

Choosing a procurement partner is an important business decision that can affect every aspect of your company’s success. Here are the top 5 things leaders should consider as they evaluate an IT service procurement partner for long-term growth.



Best software for field service companies

For businesses

Navigating the field service industry is a complex process, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t cloud-based solutions to make it easier.



How and when to counter-offer without losing the bid

For technicians

Counter-offering is a great way to increase pay, establish expertise, and build relationships. Learn how to open the conversation with these key tips.


Success Story

BullsEye Telecom: Streamlining Staffing Vendors in 8 Months

For businesses

Before Field Nation, BullsEye used 13 different service vendors to find technicians. After Field Nation, they got rid of all 13 in 8 months. Learn how here:

Success Story


How to build a network of the best technicians

For businesses

Finding the best technicians for your workforce doesn’t need to be difficult. Field Nation's platform helps you build a network of your top technicians.



How to build and manage client relationships

For businesses

The simplest way to build good client relationships is to do great work. By forming bonds with your clients, you keep yourself at the top of their minds.



Find your matching contract technician, anytime, anywhere

For businesses



Tracking mileage: Meet Scott B.

For technicians, Stories from the Field

Learn how Field Nation technician Scott B. uses TripLog, a Field Nation Pro feature, to track his mileage and claim deductions on his federal income taxes.



Getting paid faster: meet Sean K.

For technicians, Stories from the Field

Learn about how Field Nation technician Sean K. is using on-demand pay, a Field Nation Pro feature, to get paid even faster.



What IT providers need to know about the windows 7 sunset

For businesses

The time is here: Windows 7 is officially reaching the end of its life, which means a big change for businesses still running on the program.



The impact of blended workforce software and how to measure it

For businesses

The marketplace is shifting and 69% of companies now rely on a blended workforce. But how can they use that workforce well AND measure its impact right?



5 questions for a field service expert: Podcast recap with our CEO

For businesses

As the industry changes, there are many trends that arise that inform the way companies use contingent labor. We aim to be ahead of that curve.


Become field-ready today.